Okay, this is stuff about me...i'm boring, so if you're one of those people that likes to be entertained all the time....well, go do something else then.

Age: 18
FAVE BANDS:bush, no doubt, Sex Pistols, Incubus, Minor Threat, Daycare Swindlers, Plan A Project, River City Rebels, Dead Kennedys, Foo Fighters, Sitdown Standing, Subsist, Flogging Molly, The Briggs, The Casualties, The Clash, Ramones,...tons.
FAVE MOVIE: A Life Less Ordinary. And I am obsessed with all things Kevin Smith.
FAVE ACTOR: Ewan McGregor! But also...back to the all things kevin smith.
FAVE ACTRESS: Oh, i don't know. I've yet to find someone that's not so... annoying. I like Angelina Jolie, and the girl that played Trinity in the Matrix (Carrie Anne Moss, right?), cos she made that look pretty cool.
SCHOOL: I go to Penn State York right now, but i'm hoping to transfer to either LaSalle or Arcadia by spring. Cos Penn state is....ugh, plus I'll be a junior, which means...I need to start getting internships. If you want to attempt to make a living as a's all about the experience. And there just isn't experience in the middle of yay for cities. >>>>If you were paying attention, yes, I'll be a junior in the spring, and I'm eightteen. If I get everything done as planned, I'll be 20 when I graduate. Hah, it PAYS to be a nerd and take college classes your senior year of high school instead of playing around. That means I'll be a whole two years early on starting to pay off my hellacious student loans that a measly journalist's salary will never pay off. God, I'm gonna have to sell myself out and just marry someone, but then I guess I could kill him off. That would actually probably be pretty good publicity, and would promote my career....America loooves to exploit the bad ones. Hmm..maybe that political science minor could get me some internships w/ a president...then I'd REALLY be raking it in.<<<<<<
PEOPLE NORMALLY ASSOCIATED WITH ME (IF THEY'LL ADMIT IT...): My Benjamin, of course. I love him. Zach, who puts up w/ me sometimes....and yells at me. Stacy, who's all married now and scaring me half to death with reality, my Michal, who moms me more than my mom does lately, Jake who..well, he harasses me. Everyone at work, everyone from high school that talks to me...

Well, I think that's about it for me...I'm boring. Maybe I'll put up a pic w/ just me, one that doesn't suck and make me look all sweaty and nastified like the ones on the site after jumping around at the concerts...but if i don't, I have blonde hair that's been lightened since my hair's getting so freakin dark; it's a little above my shoulders, which is taking some getting used to since it used to be long...., bluish-greenish eyes, and I'm about 5'4 or 5'5ish. And that's pretty much all. Oh, and if you want to email me to tell me something, my address is Just be sure to tell me something interesting...preferably something good, but I'll take any info on GC you have, and I'lltake constructive criticism, too...okay, that's about it so go back to all my other junk!